Midian City Tober's Diary #16
Tober's diary is composed in a small, hardbound book that she keeps with her.
Lindsay took me off of the Hounds assignment because she had something new she wanted me to do. The Catwalkers wanted a set of eyes and ears inside The Pack, and apparently Lindsay thought I would be good for the job. I asked her what was in it for me, and she replied by asking me what I would want. I told her living on the streets was no fun, and she told me she would see what she could do about that.
The next day she got back to me and told me that I would be a full member of the Catwalkers for completing my mission. That was an offer I couldn't refuse, and it was what I really wanted. I feel myself drawn to the Catwalkers, even though I have had problems with one or two of their members. Anyway, that day I got in contact with Angela, The Pack's Alpha, and told her I would like to join her group. She accepted me immediately, and took me on as The Pack's medic.
At the very least, I am off the streets and in a warm den with cushions to sleep on, food, and company. I feel guilty about being a spy for the Catwalkers, but...I don't know...I have to do this. I don't want to miss out on my chance to be with the Catwalkers. I know I would feel at home with them. I just hope I don't get caught by Angela in the meantime.
After having talked to Lindsay several times now, I think I may have misread her at first. Her appearance is intimidating, and so are her abilities, but she has also seems to take a genuine interest in me and cares about my welfare. She's bought me food, given me advice, and has actually even told me more about herself. She told me if I run into any trouble with The Pack, to immediately call her and she would bail me out. I hope that's true...and I hope I won't have to find out.

Tober inside The Pack's underground den
oh tobie is playing the double game! i hope she doesnt get in trouble XD
Yeah! More Tober stories! Still haven't caught you in world before I head to sleep to hear about the Pack vs CW battle... Darn work...
Tiana: You'll just have to wait and see ;-)
Shadey: Yes, I can give a bit of insight into the clash between the CW and the Pack. I'll probably be talking more about it in my diary, but if you don't want to wait that long, just ask me when you see me again.
A spy!! Sounds complicated...
tsk tsk tsk!
Sometimes getting by means doing unsavory things, Landen.
It's nice to have a home. But be careful!
I guess I shouldn't throw stones :)
Indeed, Landen.
I've proven myself to be both trustworthy, loyal, and valuable to the Catwalkers. The cost, of course, has been that The Pack has wanted my hide on several occasions. I don't like to make enemies, so dealing with the guilt of spying on the Pack does still weigh on me (even though what you read here occurred months ago)
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